
Welcome to the Rimon Central Synagogue of Efrat

The Rimon Central Synagogue was the first shul established in Efrat after the town was founded in 1983.

The congregation numbers some 180 families and operates several minyanim on Shabbatot and weekdays in two shuls located in the center of the Rimon neighborhood: the Neta Binyamin shul and the Rav-Tachliti shul, both in the same building.

Since November 2015 Rav Sarel Rosenblatt has served as our community Rabbi.

Several volunteer committees deal with issues such as mutual help, care for the sick, welcoming new families and cultural activities.

A range of shiurim are held on Shabbatot and weekdays, and during the summer months lectures are frequently given on Shabbat afternoons between Mincha and Arvit.

This site offers detailed information on all the activities of our congregation.