

Your donations help with the upkeep of the building and expand the services we extend to the community.

In coordination with the Gabaim one can also make a donation towards the purchase of a specific item for the shul. The item itself will be purchased by the shul board.

Donations to the Rimon Central Synagogue are recognized by the Israeli income tax authorities for tax exemption under par. 46 .

A donation can be made in one of two ways:

By bank transfer
Bank transfers should be made to the "Central Synagogue Efrat".
Bank code: 20 (Bank Mizrachi)
Branch code: 454 (Alon Shvut)
Account nr: 478855

By check
Checks should be made out to the "Central Synagogue Efrat, Givat Rimon" and should be given to Benjie Aziz, 12 Rimon St, Efrat. Tel: 054-4882194