
Rav Sarel's weekly shiur takes place every Wednesday at 8:45 PM in the Rav-Tachliti hall.
Shabbat shiur for children
Every shabbat 2 shiurim take place for children in the Mercaz Vatikim in Rimon:
* Parents-Children study (an hour before the Mincha Ketana in NB)
* Parashat Shavua for children (half an hour before Mincha Ketana in NB)
During summer clock these times are 17:00 and 17:30 respectively.
Tov Shachen Karov Project
Shabbat Meals Hospitality in Givat Rimon
In an effort to broaden the personal interaction among members of the Rimon community, we are launching a Shabbat Meals Hospitality initiative.
If you are interested in hosting members of the community for Shabbat meals – whether friends and acquaintances or neighbors whom you have not yet met, adults or families with children, singles or couples, Hebrew speakers or Anglophones, members of the shul or others, or
If you are interested in being hosted for one, two or three meals on a Shabbat,
Please be in touch, by email or text message, by Wednesday evening prior to the Shabbat you have in mind.
Please provide as much detail as you like: specify which meal(s) you have in mind; if lunch, what time of day is best; how many people; age group; dietary restrictions and anything else that may be pertinent.
Project coordinator Benay Nesher will make every effort to match hospitality providers with invitees no later than Thursday, giving hosts and hostesses plenty of time to prepare.
Benay can be reached by SMS at 052-3782767 or at
It may not always be possible to make arrangements for everyone, especially in the initial stages. If a particular Shabbat doesn’t work out, keep letting us know; there’s always next week!
The Tov Shachen Karov project is a way of meeting an essential need in the Rimon community and of further strengthening ties among neighbors.
All residents are encouraged to be a part of this initiative.